Report Card for my decade younger self
Things you did well and should keep on doing
- Wearing your heart on your sleeve and even though it won’t all go your way, there’s nothing to regret.
- Staying away from unnecessary drama caused by toxic people and finding people who are weird and wonderfully friendly as you are.
- Finding and having creative outlet. Not being afraid of looking stupid or expressing yourself.
- Being resilient in the face of personal struggles. You have been surviving relatively unscathed physically and mentally.
Things you didn’t do so well and could improve on
- Not having a bajillion superannuation accounts. Roll that up into one dude!
- Understanding how to dress, but don’t let it be all consuming for you self conciousness. Like most things, moderation is key.
- Stretching + Cardio + Physio = this will make your body feel so much better
- Read more, watch less – those youtube videos will not add much value to your life (except for this one … and this one)
- Staying in touch with those who are important to you. Just because you aren’t in the same city/country as them, doesn’t excuse you for making an effort.
Things I wish you’d know earlier
- Dating is tiring, take nothing for granted. There will be peaks and troughs, but you’ll come out of it knowing yourself better and what you want.
- It’s impossible to keep everyone happy. It’s ok to put yourself first sometimes.
- Understanding personal finance – being poor sucks, becoming financially independent does not.
- Time is the most valuable thing you have, guard it diligently from those who seek to take it from you for selfish motivation.
Final Comments
You did a little above mediocre, with significant room for improvement. The irony, that the last sentence sounds like it came out of an Asian parent’s mouth hasn’t escaped me.